SM1: Open-source Operating Systems | ASIX/DAW/DAM-1 | Task
A8: User and group management |
18-11-24 |
A8: User and group Management
On Linux:
* A user is a real person or program which
can access to some resources of a computer such as folders,
files, programs, hardware and so on.
* A group is a collection of users. Groups
are used as a basis for determining file access permissions. It
depends on your groups membership that you will be able to
access or not to certain folders, files, hardware, databases and
so on.
In order to define properly a new user, you
must provide to the system some basic information. A system user
will need:
A username
b) Usually,
an encrypted password
Most times (but it is not mandatory), a personal home directory
where the user can store his/her/its personal data and personal
configuration files and enviroment variables.
d) A
numerical value called User IDentifier or UID associated
with the username. The user will be identified by the system
thanks to its UID rather than its username.
e) A
default group. A user must be member of one or more groups. If a
user is member of just one group, that group will be its default
group. The group name must exist. Instead of a group name, you
can write the unique number that identifies the group.
A default shell, usually /bin/bash.
Another additional characteristics like comments, expiry date,
additional groups memberships and so on.
h) User environment variables. This variables are a tool
to customize how the user interacts with the system.
The value of an environment variable can for example be the
location of all executable files in the file system, the default
editor or browser that should be used, default language, colors
used in the terminal, location of some personal
configuration files and folders,.....
i) An entry in files /etc/passwd
and /etc/shadow where the vast majority of this
information about the user is stored.
In order to define properly a new group, you
must provide to the system some basic information. A system
group will need:
A group name.
b) A numerical value
called Group IDentifier or GID associated with the group
name. The group will be identified by the system thanks to
its GID rather than its group name.
Users which are member of that group.
An entry in files /etc/group and /etc/gshadow
where all this information about the group is
In order to configure and manage system users and groups, the Linux operating provides you with a set of command-line utilities: a) useradd adds a new user account to the system, b) userdel deletes a user's account, c) usermod modifies a user's account, d) groupadd adds a new group to the system, e) groupdel removes a group and f) groupmod modifies a group.
The purpose of this exercise is:
a) Firstly, to learn how to manage
(add, delete and modify) user and group account on Linux.
b) Secondly, we will study the main chararacterisitics of system user
and groups, and how to modify these characteristics.
c) Finally, we will study the contents
of /etc/passwd, /etc/group and
2- mkpasswd
a) Descrition: The command-line utility mkpasswd encrypts a given
password. This command is part of a package called whois.
You have to install whois in order to install
mkpasswd on your system.
b) Synopis: mkpasswd
c) As a result, a encrypted version of PASSWORD will
be displayed on screen
d) Example:
linux:~ # mkpasswd FjeClot@20
4- userdel
a) Description: The
useradel command deletes an user account.
b) Synopsis 1: userdel
username ==> The user will be deleted but not
its home folder. Entries in /etc/passwd, /etc/shadow and
/etc/group will be deleted. Folder /home/username will not be
c) Synopsis 2: userdel -r
username ==> The user will be deleted and its home folder as
well. Entries in
/etc/passwd, /etc/shadow and /etc/group will be deleted. Folder
/home/username will be deleted.
d) Example: If you want to
completely remove the user tux, you should run the
following command: userdel
-r tux
9- gpasswd: Removing a user from a group. Adding a user to a group
PART I - Working with commands
1- Install
a package called whois on your system. This package
contains mkpasswd, a command that provides encrypted
versions of any given password.
2- Create a group
called clot with GID = 3000. Look at
changes at /etc/group. Check and
show clearly that a new group called clot
has been added to your system.
3- Add to the skeleton
the following directories: Desktop, Documents,
Downloads, Public and Temporal.
4- Create a
new user called clot, with the
following characteristics:
a) User identifier will be 3000
b) By default is member of the clot group
c) Home directory
will be /home/clot
d) The default shell will be the bash program
e) The password (the version with no encryption for the user)
will be t4pMn#b@
f) Additionally, the new user will be member of vboxsf
and cdrom groups
g) /etc/skel will be the skeleton directory
for the new user
5- Create a new user called fje, with the following characteristics:
a) User identifier will be 3001
b) By default is member of the users group
c) The Home directory will be /home/fje
d) The default shell will be the bash
e) The password (the
version with no encryption for the user) will
be Bp4H#sKt
f) Additionally, the new user will be member of
the vboxsf and audio groups.
g) /etc/skel will be the skeleton
directory for the new user.
Do the following tasks:
a) Look at changes at /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow. Check and show clearly that a new user called clot
has been added to your system.
b) Check that a new directory called /home/clot has
been created on your system.
c) Check the contents of /home/clot.
7- Working on
terminal: Become clot
and check now:
a) Show clearly your personal home folder now that you have
become the clot user. Has it changed?. Why?
b) Show the
groups user clot is in. Is
clot member of sudo?. Can run clot
commands as a user with root privileges with the help
of sudo?. Why?
c) Can create clot a new user?. Why?.
8- Create a new group called
costumers with GID = 300. Look at changes
at /etc/group. Check and show clearly that a new
group called costumers has been added to
your system.
9- Modify clot UID and change it to 2000. Look at changes at /etc/passwd. Check and show clearly that user clot has been modified.
10- Add clot and fje users to the costumers. Look at changes at /etc/group. Check and show clearly that
users clot and fje have
been added to the grup costumers.
11- Change clot default group to adm. Look at changes at /etc/passwd. Check and show clearly that user clot has been modified.
12- Change costumers
GID to 300. Look at changes at /etc/group. Check and show clearly that
group costumers has been modified.
13- Show members of group costumers.
14- Modify
clot's password. The new
password will be tJEpcRom47@
15- Remove
clot and fje from costumers.
Look at changes
at /etc/group. Check and show clearly
that users clot and fje
have been removed from costumers.
clot and his/her home directory. Check and show clearly that:
a) User clot
has been removed from /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow.
b) Directory /home/clot has
been removed from your system.
costumers. Look at changes at /etc/group. Check and show clearly
that costumers has
been removed from your system.
Disable and lock the fje user account. Try to gain access to the fje account. What
19- Enable and unlock the fje user account again. Try to gain access to the fje account. What happens?.
PART II - Checking the
effects of being member of a group or not
a) Mount
your 10GiB (11GB Volume) hard drive. We learned how
to mount a hard drive in sm1act05.
b) Run the following commands with root
sudo chmod -R 770 /media
sudo chgrp -R users /media
c) Check that your
user is member of a group called users with the
help of the command id.
d) Gain access to the 11GB Volume and
create a new file called test. Have you
experienced any problem. Why? (Write
the appropiate
according to
the question
Remove your user from the group users wit the help of gpasswd.
Afterwards logout and login again on the system. Check that your user is no member of users
any longer.
f) Can you gain access to the 11GB
Volume. Why? (Write
the appropiate
according to
the question
g) Add your user to
the group users wit the help of gpasswd.
Afterwards logout and login on the system.
Check that your user is
member of users again.
Gain access to the volume and create a new file called test01.
Have you experienced any problem?.Why?
the appropiate
sentence according to
the question asked)
i) What is the effect of adding users
to/deleting user from a group?