SEMINAR 1 (SM1): Open-source operating systems

Task A0) Introduction. Teachers. Syllabus. Schedule. Subject assessment. Init speech.
Task A1) Initial installation and configuration of VirtualBox and Debian GNU/Linux.

Task A2) Basic command-line utilities. The Linux directory tree.
Task A3) Basic network configuration.
Task A4) Partitions and filesystems. Tool for working with partitions and filesystems
Task A5) Managing users and groups on Linux
Task A6) The Linux Boot process
Task 07) Tarball and .deb packages 


Task A0) Introduction. Teachers. Syllabus. Schedule. Subject assessment. Init speech.
Task A1) Initial installation and configuration of VirtualBox and Debian GNU/Linux.
Task A2) Basic command-line utilities. The Linux directory tree.
Task A3) Basic network configuration.
Task A4) Partitions and filesystems. Tool for working with partitions and filesystems
Task A5) Managing users and groups on Linux
Task A6) The Linux Boot process
Task 07) Tarball and .deb packages


Useful links

Help to pass the exams of seminar SM1
Help to pass the theoretical exam
Recommendations to pass the practical exam
General conditions

Skills assessment
Task 09) Skills assessment

SKILL SPACE 1 (EH1): Linux Lab

Task A0) Introduction. Teachers. Syllabus. Schedule. Subject assessment. Init speech.
Task A1) Permissions and ownership
Task A2) Managing processes
Task A3) Managing services
Task A4) Deployment or installation of applications using Docker containers
Task A5) Scheduling tasks. Cron service. crontab
Task A6) Introduction to shell scripts


Task A0) Introduction. Teachers. Syllabus. Schedule. Subject assessment. Init speech.
Task A1) Permissions and ownership
Task A2) Managing processes
Task A3) Managing services
Task A4) Deployment or installation of applications using Docker containers
Task A5) Scheduling tasks. Cron service. crontab
Task A6) Introduction to shell scripts


Useful links

Help to pass the exams of skills space EH1
Help to pass the theoretical exam
Recommendations to pass the practical exam
General conditions

Skills assessment
Task 08) Skills assessment